One Tool Can’t Do Every Job.

Just what it says on the box, boss.

Monoculture Isn’t Viable.

One size might fit most, but it never fits all.

It’s a wonderful, enlightened seeming sentiment to say “treat everyone exactly the same”. Most especially when you’re talking about acting with kindness. You definitely should try to act with kindness and benevolence towards everyone in all situations. The wisdom of this will become self-evident immediately in your everyday life, once you implement the policy.

You’ll feel better, think clearer, have more resilience in your whole life. You’ll actually be healthier. It’s a proven fact that your immune response is linked to your mental health. If you give positive responses to the Multiverse, it’s going to pay you back in kind. It genuinely works.

There’s a hitch, my friend. Because of course there is.

You simply cannot reply to evil with kindness. Thanking someone who’s beating you for every blow is insanity. Aberrance, perfectly defined in a single act.

You’re absolutely free to be as bat-shit fucking crazy as you like, or must. I certainly have no legs to stand upon in that particular glass house. It’s probably a beautiful house too, with wonderful stained-glass tarot card window-walls.

Something like this…

But it’s not practical, or durable enough for the Real World.

Just like Marxism fails to account for the Human flaw of greed and lust for power, trying to be kind to everyone, always is doomed to fail. There’s always going to be someone who fucks it up. They won’t step down from power. They might even delude themselves that they are ‘doing what is best for everyone’ and have really good intentions. They’re still fucking up the plan.

Usually, you can spot the system gaming ratfucks right off. The ones who don’t just ‘take one/what you need’ but empty the damn containers. Ever notice that ‘take a penny/leave a penny’ dishes never, ever have dollar coins in them? They don’t even usually have nickels, and in most urban locales, they are empty when they’re there at all. Your local corner store guy might actually be solid enough with you to let you slide until next visit once and a while. Mine does now, because the first couple times I was short a quarter, I not only came back with it within 5 minutes, I damn well insisted he take 0.50¢. Yeah. I showed him I wasn’t just ‘good for it’. I took a loss to train his brain into comprehending I was solid. But this isn’t about me.

It’s about the evil scumbags who mistake kindness for weakness.

The sort of person who hoards toilet paper, then tries to sell it on eBay for war-profiteer level mark ups. They are out there. Occasionally, one gets caught and made an example of. Most of them get away with it. {this is the part where I don’t go into a seething diatribe about the current administration being collaborators with the Orange Warlord of Ameristan, who remains not just alive & at large in the World, but completely free of consequences for unspeakably monstrous crimes against humanity}

Evil rat fuckers are going to keep fucking those rats, boss.

Sometimes, someone who follows an evil path or serves an evil master can reform. Occasionally, this will even happen because they choose to, not because they got caught and punished. Everyone deserves the benefit of doubt, a second chance, sure. If they mean it, and demonstrate that it is legitimate.

You keep trying to pull scams and play every possible game on every single person? You run out of that shit, right quick.

If you try and repay evil with kindness, you’ll end up being used. You might achieve some internal state of satori but you’re never going to to reach Nirvana. Not that I’m a Buddhist, very far from it, indeed. The observation & experience I’ve lived through prove my point, regardless.

You absolutely cannot ‘be kind to everyone’. I wish to Hel we existed in a Multiverse where we could.

But we don’t.

And one more thing; if the kind, wise gentleman who inspired this particular post is reading this (and got this far)? You’re a damn good human, I value your friendship, kindness and wisdom, deeply. Please don’t hate me for this. Because I had to say it, and I chose to do it this way rather than make a public spectacle of it on that other social network. Thank you for your understanding.

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