‘Uncle’ Walt killed his mother…

Or; “What’s up with all the dead moms?”

Walt Disney killed his mother.  True thing.
Not on purpose, mind you.  When he got famous, and rich, he bought his parents a house, ’cause you do that.

So, they move in, and one morning the housekeeper shows up {’cause when you’re a king of the World, you hire servants.  Right?}  and the furnace has leaked, and she hauls Mommy & Daddy D.’s unconscious carcasses out onto the lawn.  Poppa survives, Momma croaks.
You’d THINK it would create an ethos and culture of ‘hating inferior/shoddy work’, but  NO, it resulted in him hiding the truth and just making sure that pretty much every single animated/anime kid has at least one dead parent. Check out TV tropes.com if you don’t believe me.  I’ll leave the obvious “pretty much everything The Mouse touches is fucking corrupted” statement hang.
Unrealistic, atypical-presented-as-the-norm soul-killing bulshytt is the way of the world for Those-Whose-Lawyers-Should-Be-Pants-Shittingly-Feared.  Yeah. Right.  Fuck you sideways with a monomolecular-edged-chainsaw.
The World is broken.  Maybe our media needs to be hopeful.  Not ‘we mean it to be hopeful, but really it just normalizes despair as a ground state’, but actually positive and hopeful.  Maybe.  I certainly have no clue.  I grew up with “Look! I got a 99 on the test I took!” answered with “What happened to the other point?” and any deviation from the expected norm being greeted with “Ahhh, you don’t know what’s ‘good’.”   My disaffected-nerd-cred started with being born during Super Bowl 1, and has continued into having never bothered to sit through one single full ‘Murican Rules Sportball Game, ever in over half a century of existence and about 4 decades of real consciousness.  So, feel free to dismiss me out of hand, the people who raised me always did, and I have about as much regard for them and their opinions as Magneto does for Homo Saps.  {thanks to the ‘manyfeek’ Fandango Escadrille for that last quote.  you know who you are.}
Imma end this here and drop some youtube links to some Sol’s Day tunes for you.
Enjoy your w/e.  Remember: ‘Brunch without booze is just a sad, late breakfast.’

Killing Moon. Novelle Vague.

Santana. Put Your Lights On.




part of my “15 minutes”

or; How I got mentioned in the NY Times. {this time}

so, it’s been almost a decade since Neutral Ground closed, but given that I keep running into folks who either remember me personally, or recognize the tee-shirts, we obviously did a couple things right.
Here’s something.

I get mentioned {and quoted, THANK YOU Seth.} at the bottom.
so, do with it what you will.

Sweet Fanny Addams

or; “I do not think that means what you think it means…”

“Bear up!” has nothing to do with ursines. It has to do with steering upwind.  Similarly, the phrases “The cat’s out of the bag” and “room enough to swing a cat” have no connection whatsoever to felines in any way.  I’ll let you look those up, if you need to, but I will say the cat in question has more than one tail and the bag is red.  It hides the blood.
The title of this post is probably a familiar one to the readers of the late Sir Terry P.’s ‘Discworld’ novels, but it’s unlikely you know it’s gruesome origin.

Witness, war-boys & girls;

FANNY ADAMS Miss Fanny (or Frances) Adams was a child aged 9 who was murdered at Alton, Hants on 24th April 1867. The murderer (Frederick Baker, a solicitor’s clerk aged 24) cut up the body into pieces some of which were said to have been found in Deptford Victualling yard. Baker was tried at Winchester and hanged in December 1867. At about this time tinned mutton was introduced into the Navy and somewhat naturally it soon acquired the name of Fanny Adams. The tins themselves were found very useful by the sailors as mess gear (there was no official issue of mess gear in those days) and to this day the name FANNY remains attached to the small round “mess kettle” (similar in appearance to a painter’s pot – also called a kettle).

     Tinned mutton indeed.
One does enjoy language, and it’s quirks, yes one does, dear reader.
     I’m not really succeeding in keeping this bright, and this is the 3rd {and last of the day} post inaugurating this blogroll. So, that’s happening.  Maybe I’ll get ‘better’.  Maybe I’ll descend to such depths that I’ll have to change this to a black background with dripping red letters and ûśë a løt of thėšė characters.  Brütäł. {if you just heard me ‘say’ that last in Nathan Explosion’s voice, give yourself the metal-est reward ever. NOTHING.}
Speaking of animated media, big props to both Rick and Morty {“Morty’s Mind Blowers” cold open features Dream of The Endless} and the Simpson’s ToH ep. that features a treatment of ‘Coraline’ for giving Neil Gaiman the basal pop-cult placement his work deserves.  Read ‘Sandman’, kids.  you owe it to your soul.

In personal news “I’m getting The Band back together.”
the new RPG krewe is coming on line.  The World of Metal, Magic and Lore is never going to be the same.  And Dorian,Will, Peter, and Steven? if you’re reading this?  gimme some love, gentlemen.

All for now.
Be seeing you.

supplementary grog rations

NELSON’S BLOOD; One of the slang names for rum. It originated from a story that the spirit (actually brandy) in the cases in which the body of Nelson was brought to this country after the battle of Trafalgar was tapped by the sentries keeping watch over it. This story is said to have appeared in the papers at that time and to have been officially denied.
Just because the Brass {or the Bronze, for that matter} says “It Never Happened” does not mean it didn’t.
…if you’ve ever stood death-watch in the rain you’ll prolly be inclined to believe it.

“Why do you write these things?”

Ray Bradbury was once asked why he wrote ‘dark’ or, what would be called ‘dystopian’ stories.  The upshot of the query was “Is this the future you want to happen?”.
His reply was that he wrote these tales down so we could avoid these futures.

The current trend seems to forget this, and instead, revels in the ruins are the order of the day.  I’m not sure how I feel about the whole concept, but I know I’m part of the problem.

Whatever it means, at least I’m putting something out there.
more, later

so. much. more.

Hello, Multiverse.

Autumnal Equinox, 2017

Even-Odds, The Big Pomegranate, Vinland, Midgard, Terra[Sol3]